
“The Honesty of Pornography,” Aeon, 29 November 2022.

“Between Exposure and Occlusion,” Lapham’s Quarterly Roundtable, 14 September 14 2022.

“Kathleen Lubey’s What Pornography Knows,” The Page 99 Test, 12 September 2022.

Interviews and Conversations

with Michele Drohan and Bryan Kelleher, “Tradwives and Tennis,” Perfect Match? podcast, June 2024.

with Annie Harrison, “What Pornography Knows,” Amorous Histories podcast, October 2023.

with Morteza Hajizadeh, “What Pornography Knows,” New Books Network podcast, 24 July 2023.

with Jessica Cale, “Sex and Social Protest in 18th-Century Pornography,” Dirty Sexy History podcast, 12 April 2023.

on WAMC, “What Does Pornography Tell Us?”, The Academic Minute. February 2023.

with Kate Lister, "A History of Porn,” Betwixt the Sheets podcast. 20 January 2023.

with Almaz Ohene, “The History of Porngraphy,” Lustzine. 27 April 2022.

with Danaé Piazza, “Le porno féministe est-il l’avenir du X?” Mauvaise Graine, 7 September 2021.

with Anna Silverman. “Were Regency Women Really That Clueless about Sex?” Grazia. 12 January 2021.

with Gloria McDonough-Taub. “Notable Naughty Reads.” 28 September 2012.