Articles and Essays

“Theories of Consent.” In The Routledge Companion to Eighteenth-Century Literatures in English, eds. Nicole Aljoe, Sarah Eron, and Suvir Kaul (2024)

“How (and How Not) to Study Porn.” American Literary History 35.3 (2023)

"Marginalia as Feminist Use of the Book: Hester Piozzi's Spectator Annotations." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 41.1 (2022)

"The Woman of Colour's Counter-Domesticity." Studies in Romanticism 61.1 (2022)

“Teaching Eighteenth-Century Black Lives.” Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 49 (2020)

Co-editor, “The Novel as Theory” special issue. The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 61.2 (2020)

“Sexual Intention in Pornography.” Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 47 (2018)

“Sexual Remembrance in Clarissa.” Eighteenth-Century Fiction 29.2 (2016)

“Making Pornography, 1749-1968: The History of The History of the Human Heart.” ELH English Literary History 82 (2015)

“Erotic Interiors in Joseph Addison’s Imagination.” Eighteenth-Century Fiction 20.3 (2008)

“Spectacular Sex: Thought and Pleasure in the Encounter with Pornography.” differences 17.2 (2006)

“Eliza Haywood’s Amatory Aesthetic.” Eighteenth-Century Studies 39.3 (2006)